Saturday, April 24, 2010

Rest In Peace

It's been 15 days since Joyce's mom had passed on and it had not really sunk in yet that she had left us temporarily...

Joyce had taken it reasonably well and I am surprised at her strength. Somehow, I know she misses her mom a lot but does not show it out to us....

Today, I was reading my emails and I came across the following verse in a Christian newsletter I subscribed to:

Do not marvel at this; for an hour is coming, in which all who are in the tombs will hear His voice, and will come forth; those who did the good deeds to a resurrection of life, those who committed the evil deeds to a resurrection of judgment.
John 5:28,29 NASB

I fear not for Joyce's mom as she was a wonderful person and she had accepted Christ in 2009. Thus she is in "good hands" and will be in heaven. This, I am sure, will comfort Joyce a lot knowing for a fact that someday they will meet again eternally...

Hopefully I will join them in heaven and not be brought before the JUDGE.

I know the JUDGE is fair here unlike our judiciary in the physical land we live in (cannot mention name lah). So I cannot bribe the JUDGE lor....correct, correct, correct!

Sori about the lame joke but just couldnt help it ....I am sure GOD wont mind :)

Rest in peace, mother.....


  1. I am encouraged by Joyce who is always jovial and encouraging juz as i spoke to her yesterday. She may seem alright,yes i know deep down inside her definately she misses her mom very much. She potray a strong front. Joyce its alright once in a while, you let it sure David's shoulder is broad enuf for you...and his clothes thick enuf to absorb your tears....nevertheless thank God, we all belive your mom is in God's embrace now...singing with the ark angels...halelluyah...roaming around the big mansion God has for her in the beautiful streets of heaven ! No more tears, no more pain but full of joy !!!!!

  2. Aiyoh, David's clothes or his skin thick ah?

  3. Thank you so much for the comforting words.

    I remember when "Ah Chia" passed on some years back, the Pastor told Mum not to cry but to rejoice.

    I was thinking to myself then "We are human, how not to cry?"

    But I know now what it all means and your words comfort me a lot -
    "thank God, we all belive your mom is in God's embrace now...singing with the ark angels...halelluyah...roaming around the big mansion God has for her in the beautiful streets of heaven ! No more tears, no more pain but full of joy !!!!!

    I know my mom is in safe hands and I am truly glad and am rejoicing...

    Thanks Chris!

