Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Your Biggest Weakness is your Greatest Strength

I got this in my daily email that inspires me a lot ...

What Is That in Your Hand?

"Moses answered [God],
'What if they do not believe me or listen to me and say, "The LORD did not appear to you?"'

Then the LORD said to him, 'What is that in your hand?' 'A staff,' he replied. The LORD said, 'Throw it on the ground.' Moses threw it on the ground and it became a snake, and he ran from it."1

I have read how "there was a 10-year-old boy, who's left arm was damaged and subsequently amputated. He decided to learn judo. His Sensai (teacher) was an old Japanese judo expert.

"The boy learned quickly. After a short time, he had mastered one important move. He asked his teacher to teach him more moves. The sensei told him that this was all he would need.
"Soon after, the boy entered a tournament where his opponent was bigger and more experienced. The boy seemed outmatched. After a long match, the opponent seemed to lose concentration. Quickly, the boy took advantage and pinned what seemed to be his superior opponent.

"On the ride home, the boy asked his sensei, 'How could I win with this one move?' The sensei replied, 'You have mastered one of the difficult moves in judo. And a good defense against that move is for your opponent to grab your left arm.'"

Sometimes we don't think we have much to offer in service to God. But we all have at least "one thing in our hand." If we offer that willingly to God, he will use it for his glory.

And as the writer of the above story said,

"Sometimes your biggest weakness can become your greatest strength."

I totally agree.

Sometimes in our hours of pitch darkness, we find unbelieveable strength and hope.

If everything is smooth and according "to our plan", there's no need for hope and strength, right? We dont need to get out of our comfort zone and find solution as to how to climb the wall in front of us.

But the wall is placed there for a reason....

It asks us how badly we want to climb over it or remain blocked by the wall.

And we Christians have an unfair advantage. - GOD is always there with HIS invisible Hand to lift us over the wall that hinders our journey...

It is purposely placed there by GOD not to test our physical strengths but to let us check how badly we want to overcome the wall...

Happy Climbing:)

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